Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Trip to California

Emilee and I had a wonderful time in California!!! Four days of heaven in a place called "Liscat". My dear friend Cathrine's knit shop in Long Beach is a haven and I wish I could walk in the doors and sit on the couch every single day of my life.

Thank you to Cathrine & Jerome for hosting Emilee and I in their beautiful comfy home. Good friends are so wonderful to have...especially when they cook for you!!! Jerome is an amazing chef and I never have to doubt that when he cooks....we are going to overeat because it is so darn yummy. Each day Cathrine and I (along with Bella & Emilee) would go into work (Liscat)....and start our day. About 1pm Jerome would come by and scoop the girls up and take them home for swimming and fun. What a guy!!! Emilee told him at one point "I would rather stay here with you" than go to dinner with the ladies. She really took a shine to Bella's daddy. Not to mention Bella's little bro Sander!!! I have a picture of them sitting on my lap on my blog :) Cutie Patooties

Thank you to Sandra for hosting the girls dinner night at her oh so chic apartment in downtown Long Beach. She made healthy food and I LIKED it....Wow.... Seriously, it was a wonderful evening and I really appreciated all her efforts. Thanks Sandra!!!

Thank you to Mary for coming to visit me!!! Just like the old days...but it ended way to soon. I got to see Chevy the Black Horse Dog...he is so sweet and so big and beautiful. Lucy would love Chevy....

Thank you to Jennifer for my belated birthday gifts....my beautiful necklace that she made herself AND my SEE'S Candy...I have exactly 3 pieces left :) Also, the snacks on Saturday were AMAZING.....

Thanks for coming to see me on Saturday night Tami...it was great seeing you!!

I also met quite a few new ladies...Shout out to AMI, KATHY, and all the others I can't name right now....you ladies are awesome!!!

Thanks to Barbee and Nancie for stopping in.....

Thank you Leslie for giving me a couple hours to just sit and catch up AND I really enjoyed looking at the Wedding Pictures.

Thanks to Liz for squeaking by...... :) She knows I love her

Kathy, I know we will see each other soon....you are in my heart and tea prayers each night...I miss you sista!!!

California GiRlS


Dish Rag Tag

Dish Rag Tag