Well Ladies!!
Today is the big day! I finally got tagged :) My box arrived here in Texas about 11:00 this morning (10 minutes ago) YEAH!!!
Abigail sent me some amazing goodies (AWESOME....Tea...Chocolate (key lime)...A MUG to drink it in.....Tape Measure.....3 skeins of yarn and a sweet postcard ....Thanks Abigail :)
O.K. I need to get knitting my dishrag and then I will post it on this blog :)
TEAHO out (that's my handle)
Yeah! I'm glad you like every little touristy thing.
Look at the post card and find the airport - I live very close to it.
Can you see me waving at you?
Yes, I can AND I'm waving right back :)
Nice stuff!
How did you like DishRag Tag? A blast, yes?! I live in Texas, but my heart "home" is California....and you love See's candy!!!! I can't believe it! I quilt and knit and would love to chat with you. Andsewknitbeginsatyahoodotcom
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