Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday Again

It's Thursday again and I have knitting on the brain!! Here is a picture of the Fair Isle Vest I am working on. This is going to be one of those projects that I have to force myself to work on...not that I don't LOVE IT, but it's a project that I really have to pay attention to while I'm knitting. But I am very proud of it so far :) This afternoon after I pick up Emilee from school, we will spend some time at our LYS (Local Yarn Shop) and visit with some of our FLL (Favorite Lovely Ladies).

As you can see, my popsicle sock is growing slowly but surely. Who else out there is working on socks? Anyone? Anyone? I am also well on my way to finishing my 2nd Loopy Laces Sock and this is very exciting to me for one reason! I promised myself that once I finished a PAIR of socks, I would buy myself a pair of see-through clogs to show them off. I think I made myself that deal about a year ago....

Here is a picture of my lettuce, onion, spinach bed...Soon y'all will be able to come visit me and have a salad!!!

1 comment:

Wicked said...

So I decided to have a blog of my own to help us keep up with each other here is the link! Love you!

Dish Rag Tag

Dish Rag Tag