Howdy Girls,
Once again the African Queen has had an adventure simply by trying to complete a very simple task!! I decided to take the girls with me to get "Scarlet" washed. The girls being Emilee & Lucy. All was going just beautifully until Lucy kinda freaked out and tried to get into my lap. Now, I don't know how many of you have noticed, but Lucy is close to 40 lbs. now and doesn't fit on Mom's lap anymore (atleast not when I'm driving). Our typical "fun" ride through the drive-thru car wash soon became an adventure similar to Mr. Toad's Wild Ride at Disneyland. Lucy knocked the shifter into drive and we were OFF!! I almost shit my pants (sorry Nancy...excuse my language) when I realised we were speeding through the car wash at a very rapid clip and heading straight for the cement wall at the exit. I don't know what woke me up.....the wind in our hair or the car wash attendant whistling his ass off...trying to get me to wake the heck up and put the breaks on. I expected a lecture at the end of our ride from the Car Wash people..but the dude who dried the car off, just tried to keep a straight face while he finished the job and got us on our way. so.........has anyone else experienced this???? Come on...I know I can't be the only retard out there...
We had another warm day here in Africa but expecting a cold front overnight and into the week...atleast those geeks on the news say we are. We shall see!!
Ken and I have now successfully drained and re-filled our hot tub :) Emilee reported that it was getting "yucky" so we had to be responsible, once again, and clean it out.... In the old days...before we had the kids living with us....we may have left it "yucky" a bit longer. I've heard that a little "yuck" is no big deal. Apparentley Emilee does not agree.
Business is good...keeping me very busy...but I do hope to get to knitting Thursday night...cross you fingers girls!! I really NEED the time away and Ken is home that night to keep the kids in line.
Over & Out....Heidi
1 comment:
that 70's movie 'car wash' was on tv yesterday and now that song is going through my head! workin' at the car wash ... whoa oh oh oh oh oh oah ... workin on at the car wash yeah.
please come to knitting on thursday! i need more smiling faces :)
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