Lazy Saturday Everyone!!
Since Ken is off this weekend, we didn't see the need to get up until around 11am.
Believe it or not, it is in the 70's this weekend and we are loving it!
We did manage to get a couple of things accomplished before leaving for our favorite bi-weekly trip to Mariano's for Mexican food. Ken & Kenny took the Christmas tree out in the meadow and planted it right next to last year's tree. They should each grow to approximatley 40 feet. They look great! Then Ken and I struggled with both vacumns trying to get all the needles vacumed out of the carpet..that was fun...NOT!!! I shall try to remember to snap a picture of the tree outside to share with y'all.
Now, to tell everyone how Emilee's birthday trip to the American Girl Boutique and Bistro was. Overall I would give it 4 stars and we will definitley go back again and again. Since it was Emilee's birthday, I made a reservation in the Bistro for lunch and a birthday cake. It started out very nicely, until we wanted our drinks re-filled. Our waitress seemed to have better things to do and we had to convince her that keeping us happy would be to her benefit. She never quite got that concept down. The food was very good and I definitley felt like I was getting my money's worth. The cake was so cute and they sang Happy Birthday to Emilee (who loved all the attention)...not sure where she gets that from? Anywho, after cake we asked for one last round of drinks before we were going to commence shopping downstairs. I spilt my ice water and somehow managed to not let it drip into my knitting bag or my shoes. The best part was that our waitress just stood there and watched it happen and didn't even try to help me clean it up. I had to raise my voice a notch and ask her if she could possibly see her way clear to helping me out. She disappeared and came back with a stack of linen napkins for me. After handing me the napkins so that I could finish cleaning up the mess, she walked away and never came back. Once I finished cleaning up all the mess and made sure I spoke to all the guests around us so that nobody would slip and fall, I asked to speak to the Manager. She was completley shocked at what had happened and had to place her hand over her mouth as she laughed in horror at what her waitress had wanted me to do. In the end, I did not have to pay a dime for our adventure in the American Girl Bistro....as it should be. I imagine that our particular waitress can be found drying cars at our local car wash.
I am on the lookout for more firewood as my supply for the winter is dwindling a little too swiftley. I will have to fire up the old tractor once again and haul in some more. Possibly if I have a few pieces of See's Candy I may have the energy to do so. The cardinals are back and the sparrows are doing a beautiful job at spreading the bird seed all over the place (which pleases the doves)!! Ken and I have already started planning our garden for the spring. Since we had such success with our first garden, we know we can grow just about anything.
Would appreciate any comments y'all have! That means you need to click on "comments" and type something :) I would love to hear how you girls are doing and, of course, how much you California Girls are missing me.
Hugs, Heidi
ya know it seems that is warmer in africa than Signal Hill California!!!! I was super lazy saturday also; i knitted all day with a fire roaring and it was cold but the rain fell mostly in the night!!! I go back to work tomorrow yuck. I read my blackberry this morning and saw that i had tons to do when I get there. I actually started sweating thinking about it. Miss u crafty!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog! We really did enjoy the warm weather this weekend! I see in the news that y'all have had stormy weather. How's that new puppy doing? I miss home so very much and hope to get another visit in before too long. Love you girl
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